Such is Life

I was going to be all fancy pants and put the title in French, but I don’t know how to spell C’est la vie, so I just kept things simple.

This is going to be a short one. Life has been good, but rather uneventful the past 7 days. The big lake continues to freeze. Taking a look at the latest satellite imagery, it looks to be about 75-80% covered at at this point, with the only pure, open water sitting in the mid-portion of the eastern lake. About 10-15 miles north of the south shore from around Pictured Rocks to just west of Whitefish Pt and extending north to the north shore. Huron is also about 70-80% covered. Erie is a giant ice cube, while Ontario is nearly ice free and MI just has the northern 1/5th and shore line areas extending out around 10-20 miles frozen.

I can say that the grand Lake Superior is not going down without a fight. We did have lake effect snows fall almost everyday this week, even picked up 10″ of the stuff since last Sunday, although it really does not seem like that much fell! We also had a lot of sunshine and some pretty cold temps. Typical stuff when we lose the influence the beautiful big lake has on our weather.

I must say congrats to the folks to the south of us that did well in the snow department the past 4-5 days. Its probably been quiet some time since such a large part of the central Midwest had a decent snowcover and I hope that those of you living there are enjoying things. Hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through the month of February and soon those to the south of us will be turning their thoughts to spring. It will be interesting to see what the rest of this snow season has in store for the Keweenaw. Hopefully a few decent spring snow storms. After all, Big Red has not really had to work too hard since getting all fixed up a month ago.

I really do not have much more to write and Nora is busy in the kitchen getting supper ready so we can all sit around the TV and fireplace and watch the Olympics. Gracie has really been having fun watching them and Nora and I have been too. The other evening when they were watching some events, I can remember being a young lad and being excited to watch them in hopes of seeing it snow. Yes folks, even in the “good old days” Chicago and areas around it did not really get that much snow and when we did, it did not stick around for too long. So enjoy while you can!

Good night from the Keweenaw..