My apologies for not writing last week, but had a little medical thingy Friday morning, the 31st, that sent me to the emergency department. The trip was warranted, but was nothing too serious and they were able to send me home later that day. None the less, I have really be struggling to re-gain my energy level and also have had my hands full getting the house ready to show. So just ran out of time and energy last Sunday.
I have not been the only one working at getting the house ready for sale, in fact, I have probably done the least of our family. Nora and Grace have really stepped up their game and picked up the slack that I have created with my lack of energy. We are probably 95% of the way there, which is a good thing, as the realtor will be coming on Tuesday to take pictures of things and have us sign the contract with him to represent us as the sellers agent. So the house should be officially listed by the end of the week.
I have this feeling that once the house gets listed, things are going to move very quickly. These hunches are not always 100% spot on, but do seem to come true more times than not.
When it comes time to move, it is going to me a monumental task, that is for sure. We were living here like it was our forever home, so did not worry too much about getting rid of things. Thankfully, just getting things in order to be ready to show and sell has caused us to take care of a lot of that extra “stuff”. For the most part, I think that most of what we are now left with is things that will be making the move with us. Most of the loose, decorative, items have been been packed, but we still have all the major items like clothes, furniture…my woodworking shop! We have decided that we are most likely going to hire a moving company to do the majority of the work. It will be enough just to get things packed so that they can be transported.
We still do not know if we will be fortunate enough to be able to move straight from there to the Jake home, or if there will be some kind of a “halfway house” needed. Either way we will be prepared for what ever it takes, but should would prefer the former than the latter.
So that is what has been keeping the Dee’s pretty busy the past few weeks. Gracie’s last day of 4th grade was this past Friday. Nora is full time, but when school is not in session, her boss lets her have more flexible hours. Such as going in extra early on nice days so that she can get out early. She also have some time off banked and uses it from time to time during the summer to make a long weekend or take off for something special. I am not sure if I will be able to do much in the way of summer forecasts this season. It really all depends on how quickly things happen with selling our house.
Last Saturday was a nice day and we took a bit of time for R/R and headed down to Jake to let the dogs romp on the beach. Bleau has not yet gotten in the water. He is much more cautious than Huck and Millie ever were, but that is good. It’s takes a little stress off of having to keep him out of trouble. I must say that he has really gone a long way to rid himself of his last few bad habits. His barking when excited is much more controlled and he nearly always comes to us the first time we ask (treats help with that one!).
He is still a puppy, so there are some It’s also clear that he is highly intelligent and has a very caring demeanor. He will be making a great therapy dog for sure. For the next few months, he will be enjoying summer break with his family and doing lots of hanging out at the beach with his “people” and trying to catch the soap balloons that Gracie blows for him.
Poor Hucky is really starting to slow down. At first, I thought that he was mourning the loss of Millie, but now we can see that his rear wheels are just not able to move around like they did when he was a young buck. That does not mean he cannot get around. He just needs help jumping in to the truck, or onto the bed and also limits his running for times he wants to show Bleau that he is still the boss around here!
Not much else going on. The woods have finally filled out completely. What a difference that has made around here. Not just in how things look, but how the woods feel and how much more lifted our spirits are. It seems like the filling out took longer this season and the bare woods were really starting to get to Nora and I. It must be the pending snow that causes the bareness of the woods to be more tolerable in the autumn than in the spring. In any case, there is now green everywhere we look!
The weather has also turned much more summer-like. We hit 80 for the first time all season on Friday and yesterday topped out at 85. The humidity was very low, so it was a delightful warmth and cooled off perfectly to fall asleep to with the windows open. The other night I could not sleep, so at about 2 am, I went out onto the screened-in porch and the woods were just jumping with the sounds of night creatures. Frogs mostly, but there were a few birds calling and the occasional howl of some coyotes. It was so relaxing, that it did not take more than about 20 minutes for my eyelids to grow heavy and for me to hit the hay and get to sleep for a few hours before waking up for the day.
The final order of business is to announce that last Sunday, June 2nd, the Laurium Glacier melted in the early afternoon. I checked on Friday and it was getting close. Saturday there was still some snow and by Sunday morning, just a scant bit. By Sunday afternoon, all the snow was gone. I still need to go through the list and determine the winner, but will be sure to do this ASAP.
I am also going to try my best to write every week, but with all the things we have going or will have going, I cannot make any promises. I can promise that once the move is over and we are settled in, I will have a lot more time to dedicate to the site. So hang in there!
Goof night from the Keweenaw..